Luxury packaging design and manufacture

An inimitable style
Reveal your identity with luxury packaging created especially for you in collaboration with our Parisian designers, and master all the production stages of your packaging within short periods of time using our integrated production tool.

Unleash your creativity by co-designing unique luxury packaging with teams of Parcome Paris packaging engineers, who specialise in and are passionate about luxury packaging, and who can put forward innovative solutions to achieve your goals.
Model makers and designers in the sampling room come up with and design samples of your luxury packaging, boxes or cases, working directly with production. This guarantees proven quality and feasibility control at every stage of your project, as well as rapid execution.
The sample room guarantees a reliable and feasible luxury packaging prototype, to save cost and time.
Parcome Paris has its own production facilities in Dongguan, China and Slivnitsa, Bulgaria. The factories are audited by major firms, whose procedures and quality controls ensure certified excellence.
We control each stage of the manufacturing process and guarantee reliable delivery times, French quality, European quality standards, certified packaging suitable for food contact, components sourced close to the factory, monitoring and good supply management, an eco-responsible approach and collaboration carried out in complete safety.
Parcome Paris offers this premium luxury packaging manufacturing service in its integrated factories to ensure rapid production and short lead times